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Deliveroo Distributes Food Relief Boxes to Local Families and Workers as Part of their “Full Life” Campaign

Kuwait, 17 September 2022: Just one month after the successful launch of their “Full Life” campaign, Deliveroo has started packing and distributing food relief boxes to the local community.

Driven by its deep-rooted belief in the importance of giving back to our local communities, Deliveroo launched its “Full Life” campaign in Kuwait in collaboration with the Social Work Society (SWS) and Food Box.

More than 15 Deliveroo team members joined the SWS to pack and distribute food relief boxes from Food Box over the past weekend. Each box contained essential food ingredients for local families, including staples such as rice, wheat, sugar, oils, canned food, pasta, lentils, and more.

Seham AlHusaini, General Manager of Deliveroo Kuwait, commented: “With Deliveroo’s Full Life initiative in full swing, I am so proud to see the good that can come out of a fruitful collaboration with our customers, our campaign partners, and our team. By joining forces, we are able to distribute food relief boxes and contribute to granting food security to local families. We hope that customers continue to donate food relief boxes through the Deliveroo app and are looking forward to building on this campaign’s success and momentum in the future.”

Deliveroo’s Full Life campaign allows customers to donate food relief boxes from “Food Box” on the Deliveroo app and will be running until October 31, 2022. All food boxes are delivered to the Social Work Society (SWS), with both Deliveroo and the SWS coming together to distribute the boxes to communities in need.

A variety of food boxes are available for purchase starting from KD 4.9, giving buyers the option to choose Food Boxes that suit their budgets and making it easier for everyone to give back.

To contribute to Deliveroo’s latest campaign and to deliver food items to those in need, customers can donate a food box through “Food Box” on the Deliveroo application at the following link:

As a pillar of the aggregator’s global Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy, the campaign was initially launched in the United Kingdom in 2021 to tackle food insecurities around the world and support local communities across Deliveroo’s markets.

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