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Deliveroo Reveals Local Coffee Trends on International Coffee Day

Kuwait, 30 September 2023: In celebration of International Coffee Day on the 1st of October, Deliveroo is rounding up the top most ordered and favorite coffee beverages among locals in Kuwait.

"We are excited to celebrate everyone’s favorite coffee order on International Coffee Day," stated Seham AlHusaini, General Manager of Deliveroo Kuwait & Qatar. “Whether you’re craving a cold brew, iced latte, or a hot brew coffee, which is my favorite, Deliveroo offers a multitude of choices, both from local coffee shops and their extensive menus. We are looking forward to celebrating this day with our customers and can’t wait to deliver their favorite beverages and treats.”

Americano is #1: When the coffee craving sets in, sometimes only the classics will do. It turns out that locals love their Americanos, a beverage made with espresso topped with either hot or iced water.

Flavors Galore: A preference for a classic Americano also leaves room for a love of flavored coffees! The most ordered flavored coffee in Kuwait was fan favorite Iced White Chocolate Mocha. When ordering, locals also prefer a refreshing Iced Matcha Tea Latte or delicious Iced Vanilla Latte, and opt for a sweet and balanced Spanish Latte.

Iced over Hot: Kuwait definitely prefers its coffee iced! More than half of all coffee orders placed on Deliveroo were for iced versions of popular coffee orders, from Americanos to cappuccinos to lattes.

Indulge in a delightful and unparalleled coffee experience as you venture into the captivating world of the Deliveroo app and order your favorite coffee now!

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