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Popular with other people
KD 1.800Takis
KD 1.800Doritos
KD 1.800Cheetos
KD 1.800Blueberry mojito
KD 1.500Without topping
KD 1.800Strawberry mojito
KD 1.500Butter Garlic Spicy
KD 1.500Crispy Corn
KD 1.750Blueberry Redbull
KD 1.500
Corn Without sauce
Corn,Salt,Butter,Lemon,Black pepperKD 1.250Butter Garlic Spicy
Corn,Salt,Butter,Lemon,SpicesKD 1.500Crispy Corn
Crispy Corn, spicesKD 1.750
Corn With sauce
Corn,Salt,Butter,Lemon,MixKD 1.800Takis
Corn,Salt,Butter,Lemon,TakisKD 1.800Cheetos
Corn,Salt,Butter,Lemon,CheetosKD 1.800Doritos
Corn,Salt,Butter,Lemon,DoritosKD 1.800Without topping
Corn,Salt,Butter,LemonKD 1.800Spicy Doritos
Corn,Salt,Butter,Lemon,Spicy DoritosKD 1.800
Blueberry mojito
Blueberry flavored mojitoKD 1.500Strawberry mojito
Strawberry flavored mojitoKD 1.500Strawberry Red bull
Strawberry RedbullKD 1.500Blueberry Redbull
Blueberry RedbullKD 1.500Diet Cola
Diet Coca ColaKD 0.350Water
WaterKD 0.250Cola
Coca ColaKD 0.350
Extra Takis on the sideKD 0.250Doritos
Extra Doritos on the sideKD 0.250Cheetos
Extra Cheetos on the sideKD 0.250Spicy Doritos
Extra Spicy Doritos on the sideKD 0.250